
mardi 31 mai 2005

EoMEoTE #7: bill's corn fritters

there once was an egghead called billhis eggs mixed with cream gave me thrillshis corn dipped in batterwas good but what mattersis he must learn to use CAPITALS!I'd been meaning to make this for ages ever since I spotted pinkcocoa's efforts here in October 2004. So in an apt non-planned reciprocal arrangement, this entry for the 7th End-of-Month-Eggs-on-Toast-Extravaganza is for you

lundi 30 mai 2005

Dine & Dish #2: Queen of Cuisine

When Sarah announced that the second theme for Dine & Dish was Queen of Cuisine, I applauded. About time we heralded and celebrated the culinary paid efforts of females in the hospitality industry.Until I stopped to think about how many restaurants I knew of--off the top of my head--that were fronted by females. Um... Kylie Kwong and her Billy Kwong restaurant. And... errr... ahhh...A little more

jeudi 26 mai 2005

Upcoming events

It's been lamented by many a foodblogger that we really do require more event reminders.So here's a quick snapshot of upcoming events both online, on The Box and out and about in Sydney's autumnal sunshine...FRIDAY 27 MAY 2005Feast - 7.30pm-8.00pm on SBS"This eight-part series is a lush and colourful glimpse into Indian culture, food and customs, presented by English-born chef, Barry Vera. Vera

mercredi 25 mai 2005

Crystal Seafood, Strathfield

Out for a family and friends meal, we found ourselves at Crystal Seafood in Strathfield. With a strong multicultural mix of locals (almost half its population was born overseas), Strathfield is overflowing with Chinese, Korean and Sri Lankan eateries and shops.I've been to Crystal Seafood twice before for yum cha. Both times I was rather unimpressed with both quality and service. But we thought

lundi 23 mai 2005

Park your stubbie

I've set up an Australian Food Bloggers ring.Get on board!And for those non-Antipodeans playing at home, why not stake your location on my Guestmap ?

samedi 21 mai 2005

IMBB#15: Marshmallows rolled in toasted coconut

This fifteenth edition of Is My Blog Burning is being hosted by Elise from Simply Recipes, who set the theme as gelatin, pectin or agar.As Elise mentions, gelatin immediately brings to mind the glorious 1970s --yes, we're always a bit behind Down Under--when a fish memorial made of aspic brought gasps of delight from assembled dinner party guests.Dodgy cheap cheesecakes aside, gelatin still

Ben Lee @ The Metro, 18 May

He may have been the unfortunate cuckold of her, but Ben Lee is as placid as ever, imploring the sell-out crowd at The Metro that We're All in This Together.With a set largely off his latest album Awake is the New Sleep, Ben did relent with an audience-loving Cigarettes Will Kill You. Without doubt the highlight of the evening was his rendition of Kylie's Confide in Me.Check out the SMH gig

jeudi 19 mai 2005

Lemon sour cream cake recipe

I would have missed this 8th Sugar High Friday event had I not been browsing The Delicious Life late on Thursday afternoon. What? An SHF event is due in 24hrs? *yelp* *panic*This month's host, Alice, chose citrus for this edition's theme... lemon, limes, oranges etc. Hmmm.. what to make, what to make. Until --inspiration! I'd only just been commenting on Niki's blog about her sour cream chocolate

mercredi 18 mai 2005

What's cookin', good lookin'

Ok so this is a very overdue post, but the results for the Does My Blog Look Good in This #5 were posted by Ronald on Monday last week.With a completely new format (five judges) and new criteria (Aesthetics, Eatability and Originality), the standards for this foodie photo comp has definitely been lifted a notch or two.Congrats to all the winners:Esurientes - co-winner Aesthetics (go the Aussies!)

lundi 16 mai 2005

China Noodle King

China Noodle King is a relatively new addition to the dumpling dragstrip of Sydney's Chinatown. Jammed in amongst nameless travel agents and internet cafes on the Railway Square end of George Street, it's only the picture menu taped to the wall which attacts your passing attention.Does it pass the Step Over the Threshold Test though...No nonsense food photos --checkThree-word menu descriptions --

dimanche 15 mai 2005

Cafe Joy, Haymarket

Cafe Joy sits on the corner of Quay and Thomas streets. Students are constantly sitting at the window counters digging into their meals, and most impressively--I would note as I walked past--they had a bottle of my favourite sambal asli chilli sauce on every table (Cap Ibu Jari Jempol).So I really really wanted to like this place. It was cheap. It was relatively unknown. It was filled with

samedi 14 mai 2005

Saint Honore Cake Shop, Haymarket

If there's a favourite Chinese bakery item I have, it's definitely the humble but gloriously tasty cocktail bun.The cocktail bun, or gai mee baau, is a long sweet bun always marked with two pale stripes and usually scattered with a handful of sesame seeds. More importantly, they're filled with an addictive coconut mixture, the ingredients of which I've never quite been able to ascertain. But

vendredi 13 mai 2005

Paddington Inn, Paddington

We had a quick bite to eat at Paddington Inn late one Monday evening. Inside it's rather hip with a modern chocolate brown colour scheme, bar stools, tables and predictably elusive plush booths.The bistro area out the back features an open kitchen, enabling a bit of head chef plate-up action. We were so hungry though, that all this enabled was exaggerated drooling as we watched in

jeudi 12 mai 2005

Daniang, Haymarket

EDIT SEPT 2010: Daniang has closed and has now been replaced by Meet Fresh Taiwanese Dessert House.The modern and buzzy facade of Daniang Dumpling (or Da Niang Dumpling) is a far cry from the dark and desserted tourist giftshop it replaced about six months ago. Looking much like a Chinese version of McDumpling, it's all white bench seating and is heavily patronaged by Asian students, families and

dimanche 8 mai 2005

Apple cinnamon porridge with toasted hazelnuts

Soak oats overnight.Cook on stove/in microwave according to water/milk/sugar/consistency preference.Meanwhile, peel and roughly dice a Granny Smith apple.Microwave on high until soft (about 2-4 min). Brown sugar optional.(Traditionalists can use the stove)Dust cooked apple lightly with cinnamon.Ladle porridge into a bowl.Serve topped with stewed apple and freshly toasted hazelnuts.Drizzle with

samedi 7 mai 2005

Sydney Fish Market, Pyrmont

Having done some moderate globetrotting and endured the cod-opoly of England's fruits de la mer, I can declare with conviction that Australia truly is blessed when it comes to variety, quality and affordability of beautiful seafood.So whenever overseas visitors look for Sydney siteseeing tips, I always lead them by hand to Sydney's bountiful Fish Market. Aisles and aisles of gleaming fresh fish;

vendredi 6 mai 2005

Soup Plus, Sydney

EDIT JULY 2006: Soup Plus has now closed.If jazz is chocolate for the soul then Soup Plus is the Lindt box of Connossieurs.We checked out its new premises on Margaret Street which is a little more light and airy than its previous incarnation, with a glassed wall facing onto the street. Tables are placed at 90 degree angles to the tiny stage, with smaller round tables upstairs on the balcony.Music

mercredi 4 mai 2005

Longrain, Surry Hills

Despite filling our bellies with Guinness and Irish pub grub, we needed (yes, as in biologically needed!) something decadently sweet to round off our meal.We headed down the road and around the corner (quite literally) to Longrain, long one of Sydney's hippest Thai eateries. Led by much-lauded head chef Martin Boetz (ex- Darley St Thai and Sailor's Thai), Longrain has earnt and held onto two SMH

mardi 3 mai 2005

The Porterhouse, Surry Hills

I've had lunch at The Porterhouse before but this time a group of ten foodies descended upon it, in search of homestyle Irish comfort food washed down with a pint of Guinness or two.I always get good vibes about The Porterhouse. Inside it's spacious and airy, rustic without being musty, and devoid of any nosewrinkling ghosts of stale cigarettes or beer.It's also one of the few Irish pubs I know

dimanche 1 mai 2005

Rise, Darlinghurst

So I've posted on Rise twice before, but on this, my fourth visit to this hidden Darlinghurst gem (and inexplicably, my second in two weeks!), we finally managed to sit at the coveted bench area.This is where all the action is. Sitting right at the preparation bench area. Front row seating at the Rise kitchen arena. We felt like little kids at a magic show.And sous chef Massa Yano and his